Ola! :D Yeah! I know it's been a looooong while. Well, I have so many reasons/excuses to tell. And probably soon, I'll post about what keeps me busy everyday. :)
Moving forward, let's keep the blogging roooll! :D
So here, I'm starting to post one by one the places I've been since last year (2012). Hence, please excuse this back-posts I'll be having here. :)
Today, it'll be about the 7th Most Quirky Coffee Shop in the world. Yes! You've read it right! It's the 7TH IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD! *happy dance*
Candy Magazine is the big reason how I discovered Subspace Coffee. The very first time I saw it in pictures, I immediately fell in love with it! And everyday, I was telling myself that I would really visit this very cozy & quirky coffee shop.
By mere chance, while I was on an FX on my way to Robinson's Galleria, I saw this Subspace Coffee sign along Ortigas which made it easier for me where to find this lovable place. It was google map-less, yes!
And on a one fine day, on meeting one of my best girl friends, I suggested to have coffee, catch-up, and chill here. That gave my bucket list a one happy check mark! Yaaay!
Photos here now! :)
Cool wall decals, isn't it? |
My nurse girlfriend of The Medical City. |
Yours truly, posing for the cam. |
Some more of visual treats! :D |
My favorite photo that day. Isn't this awesome? :D |
I just love everything in this place! |
Yes! An upcycled lampshade. Win win! :D |
An airplane toy at the ceiling. Coolio! |
The subspace feel! :D |
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What we had that day. :) |
The bar. |
Lights. Lights. Lights. |
Modelling for this cozy wall. JK! Never thought that putting plate numbers together on a wall can give a magical touch! :) |
When looking up inside Subspace Coffee. :) |
So there.. that's all for now, folks.
Until my next hops!
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