Sunshine Blogger Award

Whooops! Blogger misses me, not! Hehe. Well, it’s me and my blogger buddy who misses me here. LOL. Sooo.. what’s up with this Sunshine Blog Award? Well, it's been given to me by my blogger buddy - Abbey (BTW, I used your Sunshine photo. Hehe.) And it’s actually similar to surveys (Yes, do you remember them?). Moreover, there are rules to follow here, questions to answer and people to be tagged, etcetera etcetera. And without anymore further ado, let's get started!

Here are the RULES for this award:
  1. Post a picture of the Sunshine Blogger Award 
  2. Post 11 random facts about yourself 
  3. Answer 11 questions from the nominating blogger 
  4. Link back to the blogger who nominated you 
  5. Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers, that you feel bring sunshine to the blogging world. (Be sure to notify them) 
  6. Write 11 questions for your nominated bloggers 

11 Random Facts About ME!

  1. I started to go to school when I was only 3 years old as a Kinder 1 student. (Oh noes, I’m not an accelerated student darling. 
  2.  I’m a frustrated ballet dancer that until now, I can still see myself tipping my toes while dancing on stage. 
  3. I was once an avid fan of Meteor Garden. Yes, that Flower 4 Taiwanese boys. During the peak of their stardom, I would save my daily money for school then I would buy all their original CD’s and merchandise. That addicted I am, veryyy! 
  4. I came from an OC (Obsessive Compulsive) family. And my dad is the most OC among the 4 of us. Harhar! 
  5. I love sleeping, a loooooooooot! 
  6. I love nail polish, I mean nail polishesss (And I think, this needs more “s” for the number of nail polishes that I have at home. Sorry, I didn’t intend to brag about it). 
  7. My favorite things in this world are: rainbow colors or just anything that’s colorful & stuff with an anchor & Aztec design. 
  8. I love crafts, doing DIY projects, scrapbooks and anything that’s related to crafting. 
  9. The only living thing that I am afraid of is, SNAKE! Yes, only that creature! Because it can kill anybody with its poison in less than an hour. (And I don’t want that to happen in my precious life ever!) I can hold a cockroach, a frog, a rat or whatever ewwwy creature that is (provided with a tissue/plastic/gloves of course).
  10.  I’m a pet lover. My family has more than 10 dogs at home, more than 5 cats and other farm animals. Hehe. 
  11. I’ve been blogging since 2003 but then I stopped for such a long time. And I am trying and still struggling now to keep that active blogger in me. Yes! Pushing this!

Here are the questions from Abbey:

1. Have you farted in a public place? Where and when was the recent incident?hihi 

 Of course! Haha. (And you’re even proud, Dona? Yuck! Haha. Well, you can’t stop it at times, right?) Oh, I don’t remember anymore where it was. 

2. Who is your first love?
My first love is God. (Safe answer from me! Haha.)

3. Can you reveal to us your hidden talent? What is it?
I can roll my tongue and move my hands together like a fish. LOL.

4. If you could change something in our world, what will be it?
That Filipinos will all be US Citizens! Haha.

5. If you will die within this day, what will you do?
I’ll make sure that I had my confession already.

6. Where is your favorite place to hangout?
My bedroom – my forever comfort place.

7. What are your pet peeves?
Those people with no manners and those who would notice everything in you physically and would even have the guts to critic or tease you about it. Goodness! 

8. Have you watched The Amazing Spiderman 2? What is your verdict?
YES! TWICE! Hehe. I’ll give it a 5 thumbs up!

9. If your love story will be adapted to be a movie, what will be the title?
My Living Diary. Chos!

10. Have you met your true love?

11. If you are a guy, how will you pursue a lovely lady?
I’ll court her the traditional way and I will be in a full-service to her. I’d like her to feel my presence ALWAYS! :D

11 Wonderful Bloggers, that I feel bring sunshine to the blogging world:

  1. Abbey 
  2. Cyron
  3. Thea
  4. Kae
11 Questions for My Nominated Bloggers 

  1. What’s that topmost dream that you have? 
  2. And are you on your way achieving it? 
  3. What’s that thing that you ever regretted in your life? 
  4. What’s the most effective way to save money? 
  5. Any extreme sport that you want to try? 
  6. What’s your favorite book? 
  7. Would you rather read an eBook or read its actual book? 
  8. Can you speak other language other than Filipino and English? 
  9. Did you ever fangirl or fanboy a celebrity or an artist? 
  10. Where do you refer to live in, a country with 4 seasons or just in a tropical country like Philippines? 
  11. What’s your ideal monthly wage? Haha. In Philippines Peso please! ;)

I’m sorry that I can’t tagged 11 persons yet for this blog entry. I hope to tag more in the future! And to those that I have tagged, please answer them whole-heartedly and take it seriously, please! Hehe. Thank you so muuuch! <3


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