almost a month, I'm totally back! :D And as promised, every Thursday,
I'll post something from a long long time ago. (Yes, a long long time
ago because I'm going to post something that already happened from years
back). Araso?
forward, I'll give you a clue first of what my today's entry would be.
This happened 4 years ago. On a summer? Yes, on a summer. With whom?
Well, that's all for now. Haha. (Biglang ganun?!) And without any further ado, let's travel back 4
years from now.
As far as my memory serves me right, we went for an out of town on this month, May of year 2010 to celebrate someone's birthday from our group. And it's no other than my blogger buddy, Abbey. :) By the way, this is also sort of my birthday post for you, Luchi. Hihi. <3
For her birthday celebration, we all agreed to celebrate it in Water Camp Resort in Kawit. Cavite.
DISCLAIMER: All pictures from my lovely handy dandy digital camera. So please forgive the quality and if everything's looking raw. Because they're actually all raw. Hehe. (Well, soon, I'll go to that editing of pictures part. Pretty excitiiing!)
At the entrance now for our tickets. |
First groupie shot of the day. |
And a groupie shot with yours truly. (Oh gad. Payatola mode. I should push to have this bod again!) |
The start of our sequence shots. Yayyys! |
Jona and Kathy. And ooops, a photobomber inside Jona's arms. LOL. Who else? But me! Hahaha. |
More of pictorials from here and ther. P.S. Luchi, ano pong pinaglalaban natin dyan? Hahaha. |
And these cool tents that are actually one of their open cottages. :) |
A very summer-y vibe inside Water Camp. :D |
Floating gazebos/cottages inside. |
The playground. |
Then me, being my playful self. =p |
And of course, a group picture before we leave. :) |
Another group picture inside the terrace of the cottage of we-don't-know-who. LOL. |
Water Camp at Night. |
And then, what followed next was our sleepover at our birthday celebrant's place in Cavite. :)
Inside our room for the night. |
Jamie and the birthday celebrant's bestfriend, Kathy. |
More pictures of us! :) That's Aimee and Jona. |
And with the birthday celebrant, Abbey. <3 |
Videoke moments then followed. |
And Aimee as usual, in her hibernate mode. Char! |
More of groupie shots. I just can't believe how we looked like 4 years ago! Hahaha. |
And the birthday celebrant who loves to sing "Beer" by Join The Club, now holding a real beer. LOL. Happiest 20th Birthday, Luchi! <3 <3 <3 |
To end this post, a special thank youuu's to the Miranda's who've let us stay for the night, for being accommodating to us and for tolerating our noise. Haha. We'd love to go back this year! Chos! Or maybe next year? Hehe. Well, this has still to go under approval anyways. *winks*
And ugh. Nostalgia feels coming. I suddenly miss these times of the year where summer vacation meant summer outing for all of us. Well, with our different working schedules, responsibilities (yes, including financial), we couldn't just go out of town together in a snap anymore. Nowadays, the fact we're all employed, we have to go first in a needle's mini tiny hole before we could spend time together. Yes, I'm not lying, all employees can attest to that. But oh well, joel, if there's a will, there's a way! Right?!
And before finally ending this post, can I just say that I MISS YOU BOYS SO MUCH? I LOVE YOU ALL AND CAN'T WAIT FOR OUR NEXT OUT OF TOWN! <3 <3 <3
All the love from me! :D Happy Rainy Season, folks!
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