Charito By Bag Of Beans

Finally got the time to blog again. Hoorayyy! And as promised, I’m going to blog about my experience in Charito By Bag Of Beans (Tagaytay City).

There, after filling our tummies with the buffet breakfast in Balay Dako and visiting Puzzle Mansion, we all decided to have coffee. And that's when we took the road to the newest Bag Of Beans branch, not. Hehe.

So here's a short story about our Tagaytay food crawl. Lels. We kind of got lost looking for the that newest branch of Bag Of Beans. Trusting only our photographic memories (chaz!), we drove to the highway were we all believed that we saw Bag Of Beans sign. Then, we finally made a right turn in this entrance where “Charito By Bag Of Beans” was written. Okay.. So, hindi talaga sya Bag Of Beans? Medyo malabo. Haha. TBH, a part of us was saying that this wasn’t it. But a leap of faith told us to go and just ask the security guard if this was really it. And as told by the guard, this was it daw. Hence, we've got off the car, checked the place and gave it a try. Amazingly, this Charito place did wow us not only with what they serve but with its view and its interior design as well. Yay! Good job to us! Haha.

Alrights! Nuff of talking. I'll let you judge the place now. Haha. 

Hello from us 4! :D

Then a few minutes after, we decided to transfer to the balcony for a better view and a fresher air. Char!

Oh, wait! Here's a behind the scenes of Joma's beautiful Instagram photos. Hihi.

Then now, let me take you inside Charito's. :)

Stunning, isn't it? Here's more!

And lastly, here are some more snaps before we drove home. :D

And that’s it, this is the “the end” of my Tagaytay road trip with my beloved high school friends. <3 <3 <3 

I truly enjoyed this trip and I'm already looking forward to the next one (even though it may take a while for sure). 

Yeah. #HighschoolIsForeverAndEver

Until next time, people!



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