Mean Girls Bridal Shower For Abbey
Sharing to you guys the very first bridal shower that me and my friends have organized. It was especially organized to one of my college kabarkada who got married 7 months ago. ☺️ (Yeah. I know. So sorry about the very late blog about it. Hihi.) 😉 And let's start the talking by sharing now the pictures we had that night. Hope you'll enjoy them too as much as we did! ❤️ Pictures that we took after and while decorating: (CTTO: Jamie Champo for the awesome pictures. ❤️) Special thanks to Ate Ana, the sister of one of my kabarkada. She did those banners at home and then her sister just brought it on the day of the event. Yay! While those drops or whatever you call it were made by us. Hihi. The seat is ready for the bride. Hi, Queen B! Another poster/banner made by Ate Ana. ❤️ And these mini labels were made by yours truly. Hihi. The cupcakes were from an officemate's sister-in-law. 😊 The girls in action. Glue-ing pictur...