Happy 54th Birthday, Mama!

So, we celebrated my mom's birthday in White Coral Beach Resort (Bataan) last November 2016. She suggested to try this resort since it has a pool and a beach nearby (it was just a 1 minute walk from our room). She's already familiar with the place since they already stayed here a few months before we went.

Our celebration was just simple. We brought some foods to grill and a few booze that we could drink during the night. It was only us + some of our family friends who stayed here in White Coral Beach Resort the entire weekend that we booked. Oops wait.. I think there was another group whom we don't know. But anyway, we only saw them during lunch the next day.

We stayed in the pool during the night and the next day after. We solo-d the pool, unwanted-ly. Haha. There was really no other people swimming except US! Lels. And my pictures below can really prove it. Hihi. Enjoy!

Here are the pictures that I've took by the time that we arrived:


Ahhh! The sunset was just beautiful! 😍


Then we went straight to the beach when we finished eating breakfast. 

Then, by the pool now, with OURSELVES! Haha.

Mama goofing around. Lels.

My fam bam and our family friends. 💚

My sister.

Dos, the kid that I love bullying. Hahaha.

And their nude Barbie dolls. Hahaha.

It was indeed a beautiful day!

Then time to bid goodbye as we're heading home! 🏡

Una and I were enjoying the roof window. Hihi.

We ate in Meat Plus and took this one and only picture of a Christmas tree. Haha.

Girl power on the way hooome!


And the beautiful sky upon going home. Hihi.
And that's all, folks! Hope you enjoyed reading! Until next time.




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