Spell Saab 14

I woke up today remembering to blog about my #SpellSaab14 experience, it's a blog readers' gathering of the one and only, celebrity, vocalist, writer, blogger, Saab Magalona, which was held last September 30, 2017 at Cup Fiction - the coffee shop/library that Saab owns together with her husband, Jim and other friends of theirs. You can click her name so you could be redirected to her blog site. ☺️

I've been a reader of Saab's blog since 2009 and my college friends introduced me to her blog. I was told that she's the sister of Maxene Magalona whom I've been crushing on since that Moddess commercial of hers. Hehe. And since the day that I've visited Saab's blog site, it made me love both of them, the Magalona sisters. Hihi. 😬 That also made me a constant follower and reader of Saab's since then. 

Moving on, let me share to you this dream come true experience that I had. In case you didn't know, I've been really dying to see Saab in person since God-Knows-when. I have close friends who have seen her already, but not me. That's why this event became really a special one! It's something that I've been wishing and hoping to happen in so many years. Like, YESSSSS! Hihi.

You're maybe wondering how I was able to attend this Saab's event. It's actually like a first come, first served basis. You have to register online for this event and the first 40 who're able to register will be the ones to attend. Actually, 2 years ago, Saab has organized similar event which I wasn't lucky enough to attend because the attendees were pre-selected through the comments in her blog. Here's the link to it if you wanna see all the happy-nings there. ☺️ 

Oh noesss.. I have so many hanash-es and I'm sorry for that! Please shut me up and let's go now to the more exciting part, the pictuuures! Hehe.

This was the scene when I arrived, Saab's readers waiting for the program to start.

#SpellSaab14 is about to staaaaarrrttt! Yayyy! And hello to that beautiful mural of CJ De Silva. 😍

Saab is here nowwwww! OMG!!! 😱

She is so lit in person, I felt positive energies from her because she smiles and laughs all the time. 💕 Love ya, Saab!

Saab and her bestfriend, Candy - the host for that day.

Ms. Ernest Zabala who gave a talk about Girl Empowerment. It was like a Retreat! What a beautiful talk!

Moving forward, the first game for the day is #SpellSaab14 Bingo. You know the drill! 😬

Fast forward again, here's the winner of the #SpellSaab14 Bingo who won a Kleen Kanteen tumbler. Hi, Kris! She's one of my tablemates, btw. Hehe. More exciting prizes awaits! Yay!

The program continues.

Here comes now the very supportive husband, Jim Bacarro. 😊

They'll be picking a name and they will guess the birth month of that person. Very tricky, right? Hihi.
This is them when they made the right guess! Happiness! 😬

More guessing. 🤔

Then here's one of the most exciting parts of the program - #AskSaabAndJim. Hihi.

See? So many cameras! Hehehe.

Oh em. Kaduper love this photo! 💘

And here I am, availing the opportunity to use the Instax camera that was provided for us which was placed in our table. Thanks, Fujifilm! Hihi. 💕

Next game is.. wait.. I can't remember the title. Lels. But let's just name it as - "Pin That Tail To Joey Bear". 

And Saab is personally covering the eyes of the selected contestants for the game.

Meanwhile, it's Instax time with my tablemates/fellow readers. Hihi. Sorry! it's out of focus.

And the "Book Swap" begins. Such a cute experience for them! I wasn't able to bring any book because all my books are in Bulacan. Huhu.

Last but not the least! Class pictuuure! Hehe. 

Then the #SpellSaab14 organizers gave a cake to Saab as a thank you and congratulations for her pregnancy. Yayyy!

And last last but not the least, the day won't be complete without a selfie with the Saab Magalona of course. So heeere! I'm flooding you guys with my face. *wink*

Kristina (my BFF that day) and Saab. Hihi. 💕

Me and Saab.

Me and the superb host, Candy.

Jim and I. Jim is super bait, you guysss! 😇

Instax picture with my loves, Saab. 💚

Instax picture with my constant partner that day, Kristina.

Thank you so much, Kristina for today and for the kwentuhans we've shared. Those series which you have recommended are all noted. Please know that I have already began watching them. Hihi. 💕

With Saab's autograph now. ✍🏻 Too bad the ink faded. Huhu. But that's ok! 😬

Hi, Joey Bear!

And goodbye, Cup Fiction! It was so good to finally see you in person! 💕
Before I finally end the picture-sharing. Here are some snaps from Saab's Instagram: 

Look at that girl behind na todo magpicture, who is she? HAHAHA!

Can you see me? Hehe.

This was truly a surreal experience! My fangirl self is so happyyy and fulfilled! ☺️ I've been waiting for this day to come and it finally happened! Thank, God for this opportunity, to Saab, her team and her loving readers. 💚 The program is so good, na nakakabitin talaga! Hehe. I was actually wishing that the event was longer. But of course, Saab had surely some commitments during this day. So I'll just hope that I could come again to the next #SpellSaab meet-up. Hihi.

Hope you enjoyed reading! Feel free to comment! Hihi.

All the love,



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