SpiderLabs In Boracay (Day 1)

This is literally a long overdue post and I don't care what others might say, as this is my online journal anyway. Haha. (Mga palusot! LOL!) Well.. yeah, this is truly a long overdue post because these all happened last year - December 8-11, 2016. We had a company outing during this period of time, which was an all-in-one outing that consists of these activities: team building, training and Christmas party. 🎄 That is, all expense paid with a per diem allowance. Hooray! How it felt really surreal because this was my first time to be employed in a company who pays for such expenses as this. What a blessing, indeed!

We had a 4-day trip here in Boracay which was divided to this itinerary:
Day 1 - arrival, free day, team dinner, nomnom with my college barkada (Funny how the 5 of us are all in Boracay by coincidence and the 6th one from our group made an impromptu trip here because of us. Hihi. What a fun experience!)
Day 2 - whole day training
Day 3 - team building, Christmas Party
Day 4 - free day, going home

I'm going to start telling stories now about our Day 1 here in Boracay + our pictures, which will be below of course. Cheers! 🥂

Arrival at Terminal 4.

And I almost forgot that it's Christmas time when we went in Boracay. Hihi. Look at our office bags! Haha. They're all the same! 

Checking-in chaos. LOL.

Group picture for the batch 2. Batch 1 left an hour before us. Hihi.

Our airplane that day. 😊

By the wing, as always. LOL.

Then a few hours after.. hello, Boracay! 🏝

First order of business - eat our late lunch. Haha.

Then, we roamed around after. 

Pictures with my Boys ft. Camille. 💕

Picture picture with some of our officemates around. Hihi.

Gahd. Boracay sunset never fails.

My 3 constant companions during our 4 days there. Hihi.

Golden hour. ✨

SpiderLabs family. 💚

Team dinner tiiime!

And by the way, I love how this restaurant is so Christmas-y! Hihi.

Cute painted stones around station 2. 

After dinner, we decided to have some dessert in D'Mall.

Took a picture of this dine place because this is owned by Gab's relatives.

Us in the middle of people watching. Hehe.

Well, I just found this place cute. Hehe.

Then ta-da! Our dessert! Is it yummy? Okay lang. Matamis lang sya, bes! Haha.

Look at Matala, he's checking if these are real people. Hahaha.

Dreamcatchersss! Yayyy!

Before we capped off the night, it's inuman time with my Boys aka my college barkada. 💕

Too bad, I couldn't see our group photos. Huhuhu. See you on my next post then!

Happy holidays,


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