This is literally a long overdue post and I don't care what others might say, as this is my online journal anyway. Haha. (Mga palusot! LOL!) Well.. yeah, this is truly a long overdue post because these all happened last year - December 8-11, 2016. We had a company outing during this period of time, which was an all-in-one outing that consists of these activities: team building, training and Christmas party. 🎄 That is, all expense paid with a per diem allowance. Hooray! How it felt really surreal because this was my first time to be employed in a company who pays for such expenses as this. What a blessing, indeed!
We had a 4-day trip here in Boracay which was divided to this itinerary:
Day 1 - arrival, free day, team dinner, nomnom with my college barkada (Funny how the 5 of us are all in Boracay by coincidence and the 6th one from our group made an impromptu trip here because of us. Hihi. What a fun experience!)
Day 2 - whole day training
Day 3 - team building, Christmas Party
Day 4 - free day, going home
I'm going to start telling stories now about our Day 1 here in Boracay + our pictures, which will be below of course. Cheers! 🥂
Arrival at Terminal 4. |
And I almost forgot that it's Christmas time when we went in Boracay. Hihi. Look at our office bags! Haha. They're all the same! |
Checking-in chaos. LOL. |
Group picture for the batch 2. Batch 1 left an hour before us. Hihi. |
Our airplane that day. 😊 |
By the wing, as always. LOL. |
Then a few hours after.. hello, Boracay! 🏝 |
First order of business - eat our late lunch. Haha. |
Then, we roamed around after.
Pictures with my Boys ft. Camille. 💕 |
Picture picture with some of our officemates around. Hihi. |
Gahd. Boracay sunset never fails. |
My 3 constant companions during our 4 days there. Hihi. |
Golden hour. ✨ |
SpiderLabs family. 💚 |
Team dinner tiiime!
And by the way, I love how this restaurant is so Christmas-y! Hihi.
Cute painted stones around station 2. |
After dinner, we decided to have some dessert in D'Mall.
Took a picture of this dine place because this is owned by Gab's relatives. |
Us in the middle of people watching. Hehe. |
Well, I just found this place cute. Hehe. |
Then ta-da! Our dessert! Is it yummy? Okay lang. Matamis lang sya, bes! Haha. |
Look at Matala, he's checking if these are real people. Hahaha. |
Dreamcatchersss! Yayyy! |
Before we capped off the night, it's inuman time with my Boys aka my college barkada. 💕
Too bad, I couldn't see our group photos. Huhuhu. See you on my next post then!
Happy holidays,
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