My Jiep's Wedding

Ola banana! *in Mika's tone* Haha. I'm so happy to be blogging about my best-est friend's wedding - Mika. 😬 I've known her since we were 12 years old and since then, we were inseperable. Hihi. 

Just 2 years ago, we started to be in a long distance relationship but that did not stop us to be Jieps 5evah! Awww. 💕 God Knows how I love this girl so much and she is indeed my sister from another mother!

But wait, before I start crying again, let the blogging roll!

So last October 27, 2018, my Jieps has finally walked down the aisle and said "I do" to the love of her life. I couldn't be more excited about it and all I felt that day was genuine happiness for her and her husband.

A day before her wedding day, I dropped by their condo to pick-up one of our friends' gown. And it was such a surprise for me to see her inside their condo that time. That was really unexpected ha! I thought she was already in Tagaytay. That's why after I got the gown, we sneaked out a little and chatted for a while when we saw each other. Hehehe. See? We just love being together! 😚

The bride and one of the maid of honors. Hihi. 💕 What an honor for me, truly!

That day as well, together with my other bestfriends, we headed to Laguna to stay for the night before the wedding. Big thanks to Lyle & Angelo for letting us stay in their beautiful house! I super love that home and Jun Jun, their caretaker. Hehe.

But before we slept over, pamper time first for the big day!


Waaah! Today's the day! How time flies, all the preps are finally coming into reality. Hihi!

Reunited with the girls I love so much! From USA to Philippines for Mika's wedding day!  🇺🇸

Love you for life, Balengs & Deng! I won't forget the 2 weeks we've been together. 💚


We are on our wedding gowns now. Yay! 😍

With my ever beautiful Pi, my fellow maid of honor! 😍😍😍

Our Deng Deng. Love you, Deng! Thank you always for your incomparable love, time and effort you are always giving us! 💚 

Bride Squad, from Mika's childhood to present. 💕

The Bride Squad and the Glam Team. Hihi. 😬

Elevator shot. 😬

Then we're off to see the bride! Yeyyy! We love you so much, Jieps! 💚💚💚

With the greatest maid of honor and bestfriend in the world. You da best, Tinaybels! 💕

Awww. Nakakaiyak talaga yung pagtatagpong ito! 5 years later... 😭😭😭

Hello from FG! I love you forever, girls! 💚💚💚 YUNG SAGING, PLEASE! HAHAHA!

And the beautiful wedding gown. 😍

Pictorial with the bride squad coming up! 💕 By the amazing Myio Okamoto.

Grabe talaga Myio's creativity with taking photos. Hats off, literally! 😬

Selfie with the Bride Squad. 💕

Of course, a selfie with the bride. 😚

And the waiting game begins! As an outdoor pictorial will be coming next. 😬

Love you so muchhh, Unjooong! She's one of our friends who also flew all the way from Australia for Mika's wedding. ☺️

Then here's a sneak peek now of our photoshoot outdoors. ☺️

After so, we then headed to the church. 💒

Look at the flower girls' gown, aren't they pretty?! 😍

Mika and Jojo's maid of honors. Love youuu, girls! 💚

Then insert the wedding rites photos here. Hehe. I wasn't able to take pictures of the ceremony because maid of honor duties and of course, I didn't want to miss anything during the ceremony. Hehe. I'm just sweet like that, you know. Kidding! *wink*

So here are the after wedding ceremony photos to compensate. 😬

With my guy bestfriend, her fiance and my Potsita whom I missed so muchhh! Huhuhu. 😭

And here comes the beautiful couple! Love you, 2! 😚

My highschool life in one picture. 💕 

Love you so much, Potsitaloo! You don't know how happy I am seeing you again after 5 yearsss! 😭

At the beautiful venue now - Los Arboles (Tagaytay City). 

Deng and the love of his life. Ikaw na next, bakla! 😚 

My FG loves. *insert Nek, Ala, Mika, Wina & Cha here*

Balengs and his better half. 💕 

Entering the venue now...


Highschool loves and Bert. 💕

Love you my Potseng and Shobeh! Mwah mwah mwah!

With the goddess, Dra. Tacha. 😚😍

Here's another couple who'll be up next! Love you, manong and Kapatid! 😚


And I present to you now the lovely setup of the place and the AVP (Audio Visual Presentation) taken by Litrato Photography by our very good friend above. 😬

And here comes the newly weds! 🎊

Maid of Honor speech. 

Hindi emotional yung speech ko kasi baka maiyak lang ako. Kapag umiyak pa naman ako, wagas! Kamote. Kaya dito na lang ako babawi sa blog. Hihi.

Then tsibugan time! Yeyyy!

With the Caro's and Tetel.

Tropang Take-out. Hihi. 💕 

Highschool & college photos in the AVP. 💕

And the cutie patootie niece of the bride. Awww. Cute cute mo, Rory! 😍

Besprens. 💕 

Hi from me and from the great Ronypoop! 😬

Now, sharing with you a few shots from the SDE photos. Enjoy!

Then it's after party tiiime! Grabe, this is the best after party I have ever been! 😬

Love you, Tita Bong! Thanks for all your effort and love for us! 💕

With Ate Noems who was always taking good care of us whenever we are at Mika's home. 

Cute nyooo! Love you both! Mwahhh! 😚

Girlfriends forever! 💕

2 of the girls who'll be surely in my bride squad too plus the other girls you've been seeing in this blog. 😬

And then it's the last 2 photos of the after party. Haha. Some of us were already sober when these pictures were taken. LOL. What a beautiful and fun wedding! Every effort that has been done for it has totally paid off! 😬

Then the next day, it's time to bid goodbye to this beautiful house of the Ylagans.

Super duper thank you again, Tin, Lyle, Angelo, JR, Kuya Victor & Jun Jun for this wedding weekend! For the free transpo, food and accommodation, THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART! 💕

My October 2018 has been filled with so much memories that I'll always be grateful for. Sabi ko nga, Mika's wedding was like my wedding too. It's my crowd! And it'll probably the same people plus some more on my wedding day. 😬

Glad to have finally posted this blog because I can look back at this beautiful moment anytime I would want to.

Happy holidays, friends! And thanks again for reading this blog. 💚

Dona 😚


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