Bridal Shower For Eduel

So last February 06, 2019, I together with my colleagues have planned a bridal shower for our manager, Eduel. She's getting married in a month and as excited as we were, we decided to throw a simple bridal shower for her at the office. 

Yummy cake from Cakes by Miriam.
Pototoy chocolates c/o Tito Oak. Haha. 
Balloons & veil c/o Shopee. Haha. Thanks, yours truly! LOL.
Our bride's throne. LOL.
And some snapshots of the bride and the groom.
More props from Shopee. I love Shopee talaga! Hehe. 

And here comes the bride! 👰🏼

She cannot with the penis chocolates. LOL!
Before feasting that day, we took some more pictures. 📷

Madam with the boys.
Madam and I. 💚
Madam and her girls. Hehe. Look at them closely. LOL.
And last but not the least, our November and December brides! Yey! 👰🏼
Big thanks to all my workmates for this successful bridal shower pull off! Major thanks to Jai and her acting skills, we were able to prepare everything for Madam. Haha. We only prepared in a short period of time but with a lot of helping hands, everything was executed smoothly.

Our bride was very grateful for this simple bridal shower that we made for her. And that makes us flutter in joy as well knowing that she loves and appreciates it. We're excited for this new journey of hers! God bless her good heart and her hubby as well. We love you, madam! You're an angel sent to all of us! 💕

And that's all folks! Until my next blog!



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